Predefined archipelagotours Start/Stop Stockholm Duration: 2 , 5 hours or Fullday
Flexible custom trips to the best parts of the Archipelago according to us.
Prices below are for 1 boat Max 12 people. However, if you are a larger group we can go with 2 boats = Max 24 pers.
Departure Location: Strandvägen Pier21
SMALL - PRIVATE archipelago tour 2 Hours Price: 5500 SEK
This Tour will take You To Vaxholm (The Capitol of the Archipelago).
- Scenic departure from CIty Center
- Värta hamnen (harbour for big ships)
- Lidingö bridge
- Djursholm
- Storholmen
- The northern route passing Lidingö
- Brief stop at Vaxholm (20 minutes)
- Tegelholmen
- Southern passing Lidingö
- Fjäderholmarna
MEDIUM - PRIVATE archipelago tour 5 hours Price: 10000 SEK
If You are looking for a half-day experience this is what we recommend. Highlights (can vary depending on weather conditions):
- Vaxholm (Capitol of the Archipelago) possible stop at Vaxholms Hembygdsgårds Café.
- Stegesund (Picturesque settlement)
- A short stop at Gällnö Village (An old picturesque settlement)
- Stop at our Sauna Raft
- Possible stop at Grinda (popular island).
- Oxdjupet (entrance to Stockholm for big ships).
This tour includes opportunities to take something to drink at Gällnö by, a swim at our Sauna Raft site, a stroll around Vaxholm, and possibly a stop at Grinda on our return to Stockholm.
GRANDE-PRIVATE archipelago tour FullDay 8 hours Price: from 15000 SEK
If You are looking for a full-day experience in the archipelago, this is what we recommend. Highlights (can vary depending on weather conditions):
- Vaxholm (Capitol of the Archipelago)
- Stegesund (Picturesque settlement)
- A short stop at Gällnö Village (An old picturesque settlement)
- Stop at our Sauna Raft
- Seal spotting
- Möja (old settlement fare out)
- Stop at Sandhamn (Pilot site and historic sail race and yacht center)
- Strömma kanal, Kolström (narrow channels)
- Saltsjöbaden
- Baggenstäket (old narrow entrence to Stockholm)
- Skurusundet (Beatiful residential area)
This tour includes oppurtinities to take something to dring at Gällnö by, a swim at our Sauna Raft site, stroll around and visit a resturaunt at Sandhamn.